Aaron Huertas
1 min readMar 20, 2018


No, you’re just drawing spurious correlations from an incomplete data set while ignoring history. Conservatives love to point out how violent Chicago is but they ignore the fact that the city’s gun control laws were overturned by our conservative Supreme Court. Additionally, pointing out what you perceive as elite white hypocrisy doesn’t actually do anything to solve problems, it’s just a rightwing talking point that lets you feel better about not helping anyone. Go look up the Black Lives Matter policy platform and find three things you agree with and fight for them: https://policy.m4bl.org/platform/. Then I’ll keep listening to you.



Aaron Huertas
Aaron Huertas

Written by Aaron Huertas

Democracy is pretty cool. We should try it some time. Voting rights, science policy, political communication and grassroots activism.

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