Well, pass my apologies on to Mr. Cantor for wondering if his version of events just might be self-serving.
John Boehner had to give up on the prospect of compromise with Obama, not because of Obama, but because he couldn’t manage his own caucus. (Price of Politics was a good read on that front, though a bit dry.)
So it’s just not clear to me what Obama was supposed to do to fix the fractures in the conservative movement. Do an interview with Breitbart and offer to get Glenn Beck a new chalkboard? I’m sure for many conservatives opposition to Obama felt factual, concrete and non-racial. I’m not saying that didn’t exist. But I‘m thinking a bit more about the 41 percent of Republicans in 2016 who thought Obama wasn’t born in the United States. Because in a lot of places, including the White House, it’s their party now.